

Marshmallows were originally made with the sap of the root of the marsh mallow plant instead of gelatin. The sap was cooked with egg whites and sugar and whipped into a foam. This foam hardened when cool and was cut up and used as a type of throat lozenge (marsh mallow sap reportedly acts as a cough suppressant). In the late 1800's, the marsh mallow sap was replaced with gelatin, and egg whites were phased out of most mass produced recipes.


  • 3 envelope Knox Gelatin
  • 1/2 cup Water Cold
  • 2 cup Sugar
  • 2/3 cup Corn Syrup Karo
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract


  • Prepare a 9x13-in. glass baking pan by greasing it with butter and sifting powdered sugar over it to coat the bottom and sides.
  • Pour the water and gelatin into the bowl of a stand mixer to allow the gelatin to bloom. Allow the gelatin to bloom for ten minutes.
  • Add the Sugar, Corn Syrup, and Water, and boil until it reaches 250 degrees F (hard-ball stage)
  • Run the mixer at low speed while drizzling in the boiling sugar syrup. Once the syrup is mixed in, turn up the speed a little and added about 1/4 tsp. salt.
  • When the mixture begins to fluff up, scrape down the bowl and turned up the speed to high.
  • Once the volume of the marshmallow stops increasing, add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract. Stop the mixer after it is mixed in.
  • Pour the marshmallows into the prepared pan and allow to sit uncovered overnight.

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