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Endstrom’s Almond Toffee


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 lb butter
  • 1 1/2 large Hersey's choc bars
  • 1 lb almonds ½ ground and ½ whole


  • Melt chocolate in double boiler.
  • Lightly butter 2 9”x13” baking pans.
  • Fill sinks with cold water.
  • Unwrap butter. Place sugar and water in heavy pan at hottest heat until syrup spins a thread.
  • Add 1 cube of butter and stir ‘til melted. Add remaining sticks one at a time and melt each completely.
  • Add whole almonds and continue stirring and cooking until almonds are toasted. Candy will be a dark tan, and will pull away from the sides and bottom of the pan. (If candy starts to smoke, lift pan from burner rather than lowering the heat.)
  • Pour into the two pans and set in cold water.
  • Spread ½ of chocolate over each pan and sprinkle with ½ ground almonds.
  • Using your fingers, quickly flip over the candy (chocolate and almonds will now be on bottom of pan) – spread the remaining chocolate on the top of the candy and sprinkle with rest of ground almonds.
  • Allow to mellow at room temp (do not refrigerate) for about 2-3 days.


This is a famous recipe made in Grand Junction, Colorado. They send millions of pounds around the world. Before the store began, Mr. Endstrom taught a candy making class for the county and gave out this recipe.